The Course of Gnosis, also called the First Chamber, is an authentic path of self-knowledge and interior development.
Gnosis is a knowledge that has existed since the beginnings of humanity. It is a true school of initiation of life that helps any person to profoundly transform themself. It enables men and women to transform their basic principles and customs, to revive their infinite interior possibilities and to redeem their true human values.
In this course, you will learn about:
“Man, know thyself and you will know the Universe and its Gods.”
Temple of Delphi, Ancient Greece
We explain what is Gnosis, its fundamentals and its relation to universal knowledge. We will also learn about the objective of these teachings.
In general, human beings live as robots without remembering themselves. In this lesson, you will learn about the consciousness, subconsciousness and unconsciousness, the cause of the sleep of the consciousness and how to awaken it.
This is an introduction to the study of our internal world, where we talk about 3 principal components of human psychology, their characteristics and how to work with them.
Through this First Chamber course, you will learn the practical and philosophical fundamentals of gnostic knowledge, which can then be applied to your own life.
Gnosis explains that within human beings exist great latent and dormant possibilities that can be developed…
This course offers an introduction to this wisdom that is as old as man, which allows us to develop our interior world…
The Gnostic teachings leads us to the knowledge of our physical body, of our mortal Soul and of the immortal Spirit. This is done through a profound change in the way we think, feel and act…
“Man, know thyself and you will know the Universe and its Gods.”
Our errors and pain are caused by our egoic desires and our lack of understanding of others. This lesson consists of a deeper study of the ego, its origin, their ways of expression and the way they act in the human mind, emotions, attitude and psyche.
Here we study the physical and metaphysical influences of 3 universal principles, principally the effect of sound within and outside the person. In this lesson, we will talk about the creation of the universe and man, the myths of ancient cultures and also of the Mysteries of the Trinity.
The human being is a complex machine that is still not understood in its entirety. This lesson is a study of the centres which govern our organism: the intellectual, emotional, motor, instinctive and sexual centres. We also learn how to use them wisely to cease being robots and to awaken the consciousness.
We look at the human being and the different worlds or spheres of relationships; with family, society, the planet and with himself. We also look at how self-knowledge helps us to better all of the relationships that we have.
We reflect on the mechanical, material life and the interior life.
We all have a level of Being which has nothing to do with beliefs, social status or academic standing. In this lesson, we learn about how to identify our level of Being and what we can do to elevate ourselves to a superior level.
Here we study one of the first code of ethics of humanity.
This is a study of the distinct stages of human development and how to best take advantage of each one of them to give us health, success and wisdom. We talk about the fundamentals of transformative psychology which starts by changing the way we think, feel and act.
All religions have common fundamentals because they come from the same source. Here we make a comparative study of some of the great religions and cultures of humanity, the synthesis of which shows us that all of them point toward the same objective: the awakening of the consciousness and human happiness.
This is a scientific and metaphysical study of the natural laws of evolution and involution which govern all of creation. We also see the necessity of a psychological revolution to achieve true freedom, plenitude and happiness.
The processes that occur after death are one of the biggest mysteries of humanity. This lesson consists of a cultural, scientific and metaphysical study of what happens after death, based on the Book of the Dead of ancient Egypt and Tibet.
The world is governed by universal laws that are important to know in order to guide us in our life. In this lesson, we talk about some of those laws such as return and recurrence.
Here we talk about topics such as destiny, karma and dharma from the perspective of different cultures such as the Egyptians, Hindus and others.
Gnosis International is a non-profit organisation which is based on the gnostic studies as left by the V.M. Samael Aun Weor since the second half of the 20th century.
It is part of the International Gnostic Federation organised by the V.M. Lakhsmi Daimon, which has a presence in over thirty countries.
We have study centres throughout the Americas and in various countries of Europe such as Spain, France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Portugal, England, Scotland, Ireland and Greece. We are also present in the Continent of Africa (Angola) and Oceania (Australia).
We offer course online in countries where we do not yet have a Gnostic centre and where we cannot offer in-person courses.